We are so grateful to all of our conference sponsors! This conference would not be possible without your generous support.
Sponsoring Organizations
Elmhurst University - Elmhurst University inspires intellectual and personal growth in our students, preparing them for meaningful and ethical contributions to a diverse, global society.
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary - Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary provides 5 masters degree programs, 2 doctoral degree programs, certificates, and continuing education for passionate, creative, and courageous spiritual leaders seeking to make a difference. The leaders we prepare here will not just manage churches, organizations, and institutions, but will lead movements in their local communities for the thriving of the Church and the healing of the world. United Methodist affiliated, but ecumenical in reach, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is located in Evanston, IL on Northwestern University's campus and easy access to the city of Chicago.
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary - Offering a Masters of Divinity (MDiv), Masters of Arts in Religion (MAR), and Masters of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy (MAMFT), Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary works toward a world where all can flourish, evidenced by the justice and mercy of God, the welcome of Jesus Christ, and the creativity of the Holy Spirit. We are academically rigorous, actively anti-racist, and affirm the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons in all that we do.
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago - Based in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood, (LSTC) is a leading urban Lutheran seminary training students to serve in the global community. True to our Lutheran heritage and built on a foundation of intellectual rigor, we equip students for visionary ministry.
Princeton Theological Seminary - PTS prepares students to serve Jesus Christ in ministries marked by faith, integrity, scholarship, competence, compassion, and joy, equipping them for leadership worldwide in congregations and the larger church, in classrooms and the academy, and in the public arena.
Trustees of the World Student Christian Federation, Inc. - Established in 1925, the WSCF Trustees supports the work of the global WSCF and student Christian movements in the US and around the world. The WSCF Trustees raise and manage funds for the benefit of the WSCF and have worked to preserve and make available the rich history of US student Christian movements and the global WSCF.
Underground Seminary (Church of All Nations) - Underground Seminary provides theological education, pastoral training, and discipleship in the way of Jesus. We expose the logic of empire and its devastating effects on people and the earth, study the bible as a counter-imperial witness, and seek to heal the trauma inflicted by empire. With liberated spirits, students are equipped to follow Jesus in his prophetic, healing, and kinship-creating ministry.
United Church of Christ - The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where “…they may all be one” (John 17:21).
United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries Global Mission Fellows - Global Ministries is the international mission, humanitarian relief and development organization of The United Methodist Church. Global Mission Fellows are young adults, ages 20–30, who are committed to serve in social justice ministries for two years.
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary - Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary provides 5 masters degree programs, 2 doctoral degree programs, certificates, and continuing education for passionate, creative, and courageous spiritual leaders seeking to make a difference. The leaders we prepare here will not just manage churches, organizations, and institutions, but will lead movements in their local communities for the thriving of the Church and the healing of the world. United Methodist affiliated, but ecumenical in reach, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is located in Evanston, IL on Northwestern University's campus and easy access to the city of Chicago.
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary - Offering a Masters of Divinity (MDiv), Masters of Arts in Religion (MAR), and Masters of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy (MAMFT), Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary works toward a world where all can flourish, evidenced by the justice and mercy of God, the welcome of Jesus Christ, and the creativity of the Holy Spirit. We are academically rigorous, actively anti-racist, and affirm the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons in all that we do.
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago - Based in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood, (LSTC) is a leading urban Lutheran seminary training students to serve in the global community. True to our Lutheran heritage and built on a foundation of intellectual rigor, we equip students for visionary ministry.
Princeton Theological Seminary - PTS prepares students to serve Jesus Christ in ministries marked by faith, integrity, scholarship, competence, compassion, and joy, equipping them for leadership worldwide in congregations and the larger church, in classrooms and the academy, and in the public arena.
Trustees of the World Student Christian Federation, Inc. - Established in 1925, the WSCF Trustees supports the work of the global WSCF and student Christian movements in the US and around the world. The WSCF Trustees raise and manage funds for the benefit of the WSCF and have worked to preserve and make available the rich history of US student Christian movements and the global WSCF.
Underground Seminary (Church of All Nations) - Underground Seminary provides theological education, pastoral training, and discipleship in the way of Jesus. We expose the logic of empire and its devastating effects on people and the earth, study the bible as a counter-imperial witness, and seek to heal the trauma inflicted by empire. With liberated spirits, students are equipped to follow Jesus in his prophetic, healing, and kinship-creating ministry.
United Church of Christ - The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where “…they may all be one” (John 17:21).
United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries Global Mission Fellows - Global Ministries is the international mission, humanitarian relief and development organization of The United Methodist Church. Global Mission Fellows are young adults, ages 20–30, who are committed to serve in social justice ministries for two years.
Individual Sponsors
Deborah McKean
Bettie Durrah Bruce Rigdon Shannon Clarkson Alice Hageman Phyllis Estus Ken Guest Ruth Brandon Evelyn Burry Colette Panebianco Nancy Stockford |
William Lee
George McClain Glenda Pawsey Sue Rothmeyer Jennifer McGovern Cynthia Hancock Will Nichols Scott Matheney Jorge Domingues Elizabeth Calvin Margaret Hsiao |
Alison Boden
Verlyn Barker Julie Wityk Bruce Boston Jolly Epke Robert Sigmon Paul Schrading Ruth Lindsay Destini Hodges Jin Kim The Plural Guild |
Gail Hovey
William Muhler Kurt Kaboth Timothy Rose Mark Orten Carol Barton Richard Edwards Shantha Ready Alonso Ewing Carroll Susan Quass |