Our History: A Global Family
In the United States, for well over 100 years, student Christian movements related to the WSCF have been engaged in advocacy for civil rights, women’s rights, and LGBTQI justice. We are connected to a legacy of anti-war, anti-imperial, and anti-racist theologians and activists, church and ecumenical leaders committed to global justice and global engagement. For over 125 years, the WSCF has supported student Christian movements around the world working to put their faith into action for justice and peace in their own communities and globally. Our US movement is a part of this global, ecumenical network.
In the United States, for well over 100 years, student Christian movements related to the WSCF have been engaged in advocacy for civil rights, women’s rights, and LGBTQI justice. We are connected to a legacy of anti-war, anti-imperial, and anti-racist theologians and activists, church and ecumenical leaders committed to global justice and global engagement. For over 125 years, the WSCF has supported student Christian movements around the world working to put their faith into action for justice and peace in their own communities and globally. Our US movement is a part of this global, ecumenical network.
Yale Archives: The official archives of the World Student Federation are housed at Yale Divinity School. This includes records from our founding in 1895 to today. The collection at Yale continues to receive current WSCF documents and publications. Records of the Board of Trustees of the WSCF, with its headquarters at 475 Riverside Drive, Room 1505 in New York City are also archived at Yale. In addition, the personal papers of key WSCF figures are at Yale, including William S. Ellis, John E. Jordan, Ruth M. Harris, Margaret Flory, Alice Hageman, and Bruce Rigdon.
Ruth Harris Readings: Journeys That Opened Up the World & Ghost Dances, Ruth Harris
Photo Collection: 100 Years of WSCF
Ruth Harris Readings: Journeys That Opened Up the World & Ghost Dances, Ruth Harris
Photo Collection: 100 Years of WSCF